unkillable, but not immortal. the death of divine creatures is not uncommon, and they're usually followed by a tragedy. the severity of said tragedy and its consequences may vary.
divine creatures live on a higher plane than any of us. this plane follows wildly different rules than those of our own, proven by some of their properties and abilities.
divine creatures are not immune to the lingering effects of the instability.
not a lot is known about their intentions, though some have allegedly been heard calling humanity “deeply flawed,” “saddening to observe,” and “disgusting.” contrary to this, the vast majority of divine creatures are not aware of humanity, much less actively observing it or interfering.
some divine creatures have acquired a following of sorts for their actions. in some cases, the actions of these divine beings helped push humanity forward. in some cases, these actions helped a specific person or group of persons. in some cases, humanity's future was threatened. and in some cases, divine creatures have to use any and all means necessary to uphold their following. at no point in history has this failed.
some divine creatures have a way to be perceived by humans. most of the time, humans are unaware of witnessing a divine creature when they do. some divine creatures are exceptions to this, and choose to take on unique physical forms. most of them choose human forms for this purpose.
the chance that someone you know is a divine creature that took a human form is astronomically low.
divine creatures can die. however, their ways of dying are very limited. these include:
there exists a fourth way for a divine creature to die, but no eyewitness has managed to describe what exactly occurs; this includes a divine creature we have managed to communicate with.